Privacy & Policies

Effective as established 10-14-2020 ORIGINAL

Policies have remained unchanged in definition they may be shortened or may be lengthened for a better explanation but the important changes are listed below:

8-10-2024 Update added webhosting dollar liability policy was originally a “ZERO LIABILITY POLICY”.

6-1-2024 Offsite work changed to service industry standard
“keep your day open policy” We no longer guarantee specific times!

You must stay up to date with these policies if you continue to use our business, website, webhosting also prices are subject to change!

Privacy & Policies Below!


This is a list of how privacy and policy are handled. It’s important to note that these policies and privacy policies have existed since we were established nothing has changed other than the inclusion of policies that were always stated and listed. It was important to consolidate things policies and privacy policies placed on a single page. They are subject to change such as value but not of scope without notification.

Before payment it is a requirement to read the privacy policy page. Always has been a requirement and always will be a requirement. To keep abrest of changes that may occur.



Who we are

Our website address is:

We are a company providing solutions to people’s problems mostly but not limited to computer repair services, electronics repair, smart home solutions, security and cameras, door locks, and fingerprint reading padlocks we help people both locally and remotely and occasionally sell products that we have recycled or serviced or both. We are an LLC afforded Limited Liability Protections in accordance with the Law. Any opinions, or suggestions, we may give may come with a limited scope of knowledge it is incumbent upon you to understand that what is said may not always be gospel it is based on working knowledge, or what we know about a given subject at a given time. We advise you to seek multiple forms of advice and don’t proclaim to be “experts” in any particular field of study.

Websites Development & Hosting

REVISED 8-10-2024 from Zero Liability Policy to 1.00 liability policy. This will have to be understood and signed. To sum it up Whizconsin Solutions LLC will only be liable for a single day of damages to you, your customers, or your business should you choose to host a website. It used to be Zero Liability but we chose to accept liability of a maximum of 1.00 on the day the issue occurred as that is what is paid for that day.


If no warranty is included in a bill of sale than no warranty is written expressed or included. Yes, I may state that I will be around to support you with your device verbally because I will be. However, at no point does this mean that the support you will receive will be free of charge. If you need a warranty a warranty might be able to be purchased feel free to inquire about purchasing a warranty however do not ask for a free one or don’t assume a warranty just because you buy service. In most all cases with service or products there are no warranties written expressed or implied. Support on a product is free only through the company the product was purchased through. Good example if I provide a camera installation and it is all working and I leave we agree that things are good and your wireless camera loses wifi it is free to troubleshoot it yourself with the company. I am not the manufacturer while I can troubleshoot some issues for you there are some I may not be able to fix without cost. Support is not free.

Minimum Charge Policy

Support minimum charge on the phone is 25.00 or if you come to my location minimum charge is 25.00 minimum charge offsite or at your location is the best estimation minimum will be 50.00 to 100.00 but that doesn’t mean it might not be more or even less in some cases. It doesn’t matter if you bring your computer here and we find out you didn’t plug it into the wall to charge the battery. A minimum charge is required to be paid. Remember you come here to get to the bottom of your problem as quickly as you possibly can with the smallest fee. I prefer to charge you following the issue and be honest.

Sometimes we can fix stuff as soon as people show up on the spot it saves you from having to come back and pick up the item. It also solves your problem so if we can solve your problem in a couple of minutes for 25 bucks it is important one should be happy first that we are being honest with you, and second we are saving you time and headache of having to come back again for pickup. As well as the headache of not knowing what is wrong. Which could’ve taken you hours to fix. This is why we are here to fix things most efficiently to diagnose things most efficiently. So don’t be disappointed if we fix something for you quickly instead be happy we have done so. It’s a job well done.

Also, minimum charges must be implemented because we wind up being a free consultant for everyone and we are not looking to consult people as a main profession thus it costs money.

OFFSITE WORK: Added 6-21-2024 Update to Offsite work policy.
We have adopted the keep your day open policy that all service industries now have.

Offsite work is defined as any work where I go to a separate location. Offsite work is typically done from 3:30 PM to 8:00PM. (This is so we can have a day job or contract jobs and still keep providing you with service.) We can only give you a day with certainty we may give you an estimated time on occasion but there is no guarantee.
On rare occasions, it is done earlier if you have a contract job. For smaller contract and non contract work scheduling is not available make sure you keep your day open! This has always been the case but the keep your day open verbiage is new although it was always intended for our times to be only estimates. All contract jobs must exceed 1000.00 in order for scheduling to be available and will still require a window of time rather than a specific time but the window will be tighter.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it


When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.

Comments on other platforms such a social media and or reviews will be collected or possibly expanded upon to bring the full story using data collected by us to expand upon the full story. It is considered illegal to defame a business should it result in loss of business which in our case as a service industry attacking or defaming our service will have a direct impact on revenue as you will dissuade potential customers from visiting our website through false narratives. However if true what will be said will be said. We do retain legal representation if there shall be an event that is needed or required to dispute and collect data from 3rd party individuals and 3rd party applications if such an event occurs to use as legally admissible so please be aware of this.


If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the any website. Other media such a security footage, voice and call recording, answering machines, and or body cams and recorders at your residence or place of business may be used and legally admissible for legal and insurance purposes.

Contact forms

Information through any method of coordination or operation such as contact forms will be the types of information used and collected without the use of this information we could not provide business to you or anyone else.


If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.

If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.

If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day.

Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.


Analytics may be used for anything discussed here or within.

Who we share your data with

We share data with anyone outlined in this policy as needed for revenue and or legal or insurance purposes.

How long we retain your data

Data retention is required by law for tax reasons so 10 years is the minimum that some data is retained however, unrelated data will be retained for a period of time we see as fit which may be longer than this time period.

What rights you have over your data

You have the right not to provide data by not doing business with us.

Where we send your data

We send data back and forth between what is defined under Additional Information below. With a clear definition of its use as well as to automated blockers, spam detection software and services, as well as legal entities as needed the needs being determined by us.

Your contact information

Your contact information may be retained in email or book keeping if you feel nervous about this please refrain from using our business we do our best to secure that data but nothing is 100% secure. Financial information is typically not stored on this site or processed by this site it we use well known payment processors with a solid track record and history of protection of that data. Checks are not scanned or saved just documented that a check was issued and received by us in the way of book keeping without giving your archiving your information such as check numbers and or account information only the bank or third party payment processor would have such information. Thus accountability is not incumbent upon us to handle payment information as this is all done in a timely manner and information is not available to other individuals.

Additional information

Note all video work, talk, text, discussion whether on site or off site may be recorded to , but not limited to, ensure quality service and proper handling and may be used as admissible in the event of legal or insurance matters. Your data will be used by us for us as public display or advertisement for example affiliate ad revenue for us or our affiliates. Personal information will only be shared in the event of legal disputes, billing or to dispute defaming. For the most part your data is private with these few exceptions. Third party software installed may also contain known or unknown data sharing or targeted advertisement in the event to keep that software or service free of charge or cheaper through affiliate linking and ads. At current our affiliation is I Eugene Jones III, Jolene Johnson, Amazon and other stores we purchase from as well as Lynxxnet for connection and our digital telephone provider as well. Our main source of revenue is service provided locally or remotely. All is subject to change but has not changed since formation of business.

How we protect your data

We protect data using industry standard SSL protection. And seek known third parties to handle payment processing and the data required for such a thing.

What data breach procedures we have in place

Data breach porceedures we have in place are limited to our assets and our data we at no time hold any financial data or personal data on this website. Some of that information would be in book keeping done with a third party business and or email done using the ISP mentioned in this privacy policy for connection.

What third parties we receive data from

Thrid parties may be word of mouth or digital often word of mouth as if you refer someone depending on the job you may be able to get a credit or future discount. People we deal with we also may verify things such as identity or payment methods. Certain purchases made may be disclosed to us through affiliation and or linking via free software or services as well as payment processors in an event to reduce cost and pass on savings to you the customer as it lowers the amount of overhead or fees associated with business.

Often we provide people with open source software without cost and or provide links or for easy access to data and payments or products with zero fees or the minimal fees required by the payment processor. Sometimes this software can shift its course it is incumbent upon you to keep things secure and up to date either by bringing your computer in for service and or servicing your system yourself. You can at any time choose to remove any such said software or evaluate the policy of the said software. As we may not have a proper evaluation of it during a given time. Or they may change from free to paid service or potentially include other software with their software etc… Bookmarking may also be done in this manner to effectively give you easy one click access to commonly used websites and are also removeable. Classic Shell may be installed for those who have problems operating with the newer start menu and is often suggested even for power users to eliminate the clutter. Adblockers may be suggested potentially as well to prevent advertisements when watching youtube, and or block malware that may come from overtly aggressive ad campaigns.

What automated decision making and/or profiling we do with user data

Automated out of area rejection or banning or blacklisting is in place so all ip’s preforming illicit activities such as spam, attacks such as hacking or defaming are logged blacklisted and possibly recorded and reported to ICE or other parties. Please keep this in mind. Profiling is done only in the event to protect business from affilitates of known parties who intend to cause harm to Whizconsin Solutions LLC and or its affiliates typically this is not an automated process but a choice based upon something that would present itself as a red flag. We also profile based on information you give us as to discern what potential solutions you would need and potential solutions that may be not as budget friendly for you and provide alternatives when and where possible.

Industry regulatory disclosure requirements

All disclosures are herin the above documentation. Whizconsin Solutions is an LLC and is afforded LLC protections to the full extent of the law.